
Fake facebook profiles

If someone stole my photos... I'd be amazed

Not like "OMG I'm on a fake facebook!~"

More like "OMG, he couldn't find someone more attractive for his little game?"

12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Bubba Jay wrote:
Just a lil warning that some people steal photos from fantasy feeder and other BBW websites and pretend to be BBW'S.

This could happen to anybody on this site so be on your guard.

I just don't understand when men want to pretend to be BBW'S and females use other photos of BBW'S.

12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Murphy wrote:
Bubba Jay wrote:
Just a lil warning that some people steal photos from fantasy feeder and other BBW websites and pretend to be BBW'S.

This could happen to anybody on this site so be on your guard.

I just don't understand when men want to pretend to be BBW'S and females use other photos of BBW'S.

12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Oh look, another well-meaning thread derided by the self-appointed arbiter of what it's ok to post or not post in here. I do wonder why certain people feel the need to be so mean all the time? Just count the seconds before I get slagged for saying so by one of his faithful acolytes.
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

foxglove wrote:
Oh look, another well-meaning thread derided by the self-appointed arbiter of what it's ok to post or not post in here. I do wonder why certain people feel the need to be so mean all the time? Just count the seconds before I get slagged for saying so by one of his faithful acolytes.

Sorry for being mean about a stupid thread two months ago. I thought I might've gotten away with commenting on how ridiculously serious the unquestionable Bubba Jay is about how pics can- and do- get stolen from here.

Since this is an issue that has never been brought up before by anyone on the internet ever.
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Murphy wrote:

Since this is an issue that has never been brought up before by anyone on the internet ever.

Lol. Yeah well I take your point. But some people are... new... or something...
12 years

Fake facebook profiles

Gingersnaps wrote:

YOU hush smiley
12 years